Best First Aid Kit for Outdoor Lovers
Today I’m diverting away from my regular blog posts. Normally I’m either showcasing a client session or giving my couples a piece of content to help them plan their wedding. But today I’m going to be talking about my newest favorite piece of gear, and it’s not a camera or a lens, it’s a first aid kit!
As you know from the first moment you entered the website, I love a good adventure. I’ve been hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, and kayaking ever since I was a kid. Over the past few years I’ve been going on these adventures with nothing more than a few band aids. This is even after I went through wilderness first aid training! Needless to say, that wasn’t smart. I was woefully unprepared when it came to first aid, just hoping and praying nothing went wrong.
Enter the small first aid kit from Surviveware, a company based in Woodbridge, Virginia. I learned about Surviveware from the owner Janco while photographing a local 5K event put on by the Friends of the National Zoo. It was the perfect time, as I was in the process of looking for a first aid kit. I loved the idea of supporting a local business and was truly excited when I saw how good these first aid kits were!
While they offer a variety of sizes, the small first aid kit was an easy choice for me and I think it’s the perfect size for couples and families going on a day hike or a weekend adventure. I purchased this kit and instantly found it to have everything I needed, including a wide variety of bandages, a cpr kit, medical tape, large wound dressings, antibacterial wipes, and much more. I also appreciated the sturdy design of the kit and way the supplies are organized and labeled. Definitely check out all the details of this small first aid kit on their website. To me, this is the perfect kit for my adventures, both in size and in what supplies it gives you, and I think it’s the perfect companion for all my adventure couples out there.
Use code ROBJINKS10 for 10% off any orders at Surviveware!
I also do some kayaking and for that type of adventure, I’m excited that they also offer a waterproof first aid kit. I didn’t purchase this waterproof kit, instead Surviveware sent me and many of their customers this kit to test and review. I accepted the offer and decided to put it to the test and photograph it at the same time.
I submitted this kit to severe dunking and never had the slightest drop of water inside. Much like the small kit, this is a sturdy, well-made kit that is meant to last. It’s about double the size of the small kit, and with so many supplies it would be perfect for group outings.

Overall, I’ve been super happy with these kits. I take them on my adventures and then leave them in my car trunk to have them whenever I’m out, just in case. If you’re going out, no matter the reason, whether it’s a multi-day trip or an afternoon hike, be prepared. You don’t want a small injury ruining your vacation. Don’t let what could be a quick fix become something much worse. Go check out Surviveware, and use code ROBJINKS10 10% off any purchases.