AJ and Alex: Joining Two Cultures

When I first met AJ and Alex last fall for their engagement session, I knew this was going to be a fun couple. They had no problem during that session getting comfortable in front of the camera and being themselves, we even did a little dancing around the Tidal Basin in DC!

That made me excited to be a part of the fun of their wedding day. What I didn't know or expect was how fun their bridal party was going to be! AJ and Alex have an amazing group of family and friends and this definitely came through in the bridal party and reception photos.

What I enjoyed most about this wedding was the rich combination of culture and tradition from both sides. AJ is from Egypt while Alex is from Germany. This meant that the wedding ceremony, held at Saint Mark's Coptic Church in Fairfax, was translated into multiple languages. Other traditions included robes, incense, crowns, and singing throughout the ceremony.

I truly enjoyed being a part of this day and being able to share it with you. Enjoy these highlights below!

Contact me here if you're interested in talking with me about your wedding photography!